Program Support

Delivering Rookie Riders

Published on
January 13, 2025
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Rookie Riders is a program for young children that provides an opportunity to experience the joy of the equestrian sport in a fun-filled program.

The program teaches activities and skills that are fundamental to success in horseback riding. It includes basic gymnastics on mats, on a “barrel horse” and concludes with an introduction to riding. It is a core skill building program that benefits all disciplines. It is also a safe opportunity to introduce the sport to children we hope will become passionate and continue to progress in the sport with certified coaches and instructors. Find out more about the program and how you can grow your business using the program in camps or beginner programs.

Program Objectives

  • Safe and fun Introduction to riding skills, horses and horsemanship – riding and gymnastic activities focus on developing the skills used in equestrian sport
  • Introduce OR reinforce movement skills within the FUNdamental stage of long term equestrian and athlete development.
  • Group and individual activities
  • Provides physical, mental, and emotional engagement
  • Participants finish with a:
    o   Strong foundation in the National Learn to Ride Program – Level 1 (English and Western); and a
    o   Rookie Riders Progress Report and Certificate of Completion

LTED Stage of Development

Rookie Riders fits into the Active Start and FUNdamentals stages of athlete development.  This is the stage during which many children have their first exposure to equestrian activities: generally boys from 6-9, girls from 6-8.

The objective of programs for this stage of development is for children to have fun with horses while learning with their peers. Rookie Riders encourages development of fundamental movement skills, emotional control and a positive attitude to new challenges. The program helps athletes develop familiarity with, and respect for, equine behaviour; and responsibility, rules and etiquette for handling and being around horses. 

In addition to developing fundamental movement skills, including agility, balance and coordination, children begin to learn about horses, horsemanship, and riding, (walk, trot & direction). Activity with horses - at this stage of development is not discipline specific. Young equestrians are invariably excited to be around horses for the first time, and such exposure at the FUNdamental stage should be well structured and positive and should encourage kids to have fun. This is the time for them to learn how to use their bodies and improve physical literacy through engagement in a number of different sports and activities outside of equestrian. 

Since the FUNdamentals of any sport are about children learning how to better control their bodies and move in different ways, Rookie Riders has been designed to ensure that children do not become specialized at this stage of their development . A late entry athlete (older than 10 to 12) to equestrian will need to learn fundamental riding and horse skills, but may move right into the Learn to Ride program since they have physically matured past this stage of development.

How do I offer Rookie Riders?

There are two types of Rookie Riders coaches, Rookie Riders Instructors and Interns. Instructors lead the program in a stable and Interns assist Instructors in the delivery.

Rookie Riders Instructors

The instructor responsible for any Rookie Riders session must always be present, hold an Equestrian Canada Coach License and an active NCCP Certification (any sport), or be a qualified physical education teacher, in addition to having completed the Rookie Riders 1 instructor training. As a certified and Licensed coach or instructor, you will be provided with the resources required to run the program, including:

  • Horsemanship Handouts and Quizzes
  • Free Access to PLAYbuilder
  • Access to over 150 Rookie Riders’ activities
  • Access to over 25 Rookie Riders Pre-built lesson plans
  • Ability to create personalized lesson plans
  • Rookie Riders Certificates of Completion
  • Rookie Riders Barrel Adoption Certificates

Rookie Riders Interns

Rookie Riders is best delivered by a team of instructors. Once you’ve chosen your delivery model, determine how many instructors you need and make sure they all have the appropriate training. The Rookie Riders program is a great way for youth riders to be introduced into a coaching role, by becoming a Rookie Riders “Intern”. Rookie Riders Interns should:

  • Be 16 years of age or older
  • Complete the Rookie Riders 1 Instructor Training
  • Sign the Equestrian Canada Coaching Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics
  • Have their Learn to Ride English Level 6 or Western Level 4 if offering a Rookie Riders program that includes riding
  • Hold a Registered Coach Status

To become trained to deliver the Rookie Riders Program, please visit our Events Calendar for the next training opportunity.

Rookie Riders Instructor Resources

Parent Resources

Video of building the barrel

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