Young Dressage Horse Development Series

The Ontario Equestrian Young Dressage Horse Development Series intends to promote young dressage horses on their competitive pathway through qualifying classes and a season-end Championship. The 2025 Ontario Equestrian Dressage Development Series will culminate with Championship classes held at the Caledon Dressage Summer Finale on September 13, 2025.
● To develop Canadian horses to be able to compete at an appropriate level for their age
● To accustom riders and coaches to develop young horses with a steady and well-laid-out schedule over the summer series
● To offer a final Championship goal
A. An OE membership is required by all exhibitors, owner and rider (if a rider does not own the horse both rider and owner must have an OE membership)
B. Competitors must declare their interest in the series before competing to qualify for the Championship
C. All classes will be ridden at the Gold level
D. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels must be ridden in front of a minimum of one EC senior judge
E. PSG will be ridden in front of two judges (one must be a minimum of EC senior)
F. Horses and riders wishing to qualify for the Championship must have ridden in at least two of the qualifying competitions
G. The highest score from each competition will be used as a qualifier for the Championship
H. Horses can do two consecutive levels (assuming they meet the age requirements for each class) as outlined above
I. Class options may be offered on each competition day of multi-day shows at the discretion of the show organization
J. The Championship class will be held on the Saturday of the designated Championship show
K. Horses must produce 65% from at least two qualifying shows to compete in the championship
L. Qualified horses that compete in the final Championship are eligible for donated series awards and prize money
M. Riders in the Championship classes may not have a caller for the test but can use a whip in the ring
N. Classes must offer a warm-up ring.
Cruelty, abuse or inhumane treatment of horses:
The abuse or inhumane treatment of a horse by an exhibitor, trainer or other person shall not be tolerated under any circumstances. The competition organizing committee has the right to bar such violators from further participation in the competition if necessary.
● 4 & 5 year olds / Open / 1st Level Test 1
● 5 & 6 year olds / Open / 2nd Level Test 1
● 6 & 7-year-olds / Open / 3rd Level Test 1
● 7 & 8-year-olds/ Open / 4th Level Test 1
● 8-9 year olds / FEI PSG Test
Declare Your Interest As a Competitor
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